
Featuring "Bill Booth"

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We service Drive-In Theaters across the country by providing programming for their AM/FM on site transmitters. You can hear our Radio Station before, in- between, and after movies at Drive-Ins that participate in our service.  It's a great deal! Our Drive-In owners get their own radio station. Our listeners get the best music around, lots of family fun, an opportunity to learn more about their favorite Drive-In, and of course a lot of chances to win Drive-In Radio Merchandise!

Our Mission.. It seems that it is harder and harder for the family to find activities to enjoy together. We firmly believe that Drive-In Theaters are a great way for families to "escape" for a little while from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is our desire at Drive-In Radio to assist in the continued growth and success of Drive-In Theaters across America. We want to promote family togetherness and fun!


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